Let’s be honest, there is nothing better than attending a classroom and speaking to your teacher or tutor face to face. However, under these circumstances, all learning may be completed online. After all, learning online is better than not learning at all. It's also a useful way to pass time while you are stuck at home. Here are some tips on how to get the most valuable learning experience online.
Stable and fast connection: Connection speeds have improved immensely over the past ten years, and it’s time to ensure you have upgraded to a fast and reliable internet connection. This will avoid drop outs in sessions and blurry visuals.
Learn how to use the program: Your school and tuition centre will explain how to use the online program to ensure you are ready when it rolls out. Do not skip this training or reading. After you have read the information, do a quick test at home. Do not assume that it will be fine on the day as there is a chance that you are still tinkering with the program when the class has already begun.
Read the content before your online session: Knowing what will be covered before coming to class will put you at an advantage. If you read the content first, you would know exactly which section confuses you and what questions you should be asking your teacher or tutor. This will encourage you to reread a text, which is essential to grasp the subtle details that helps you identify symbolism, tone, themes, etc.
Find a quiet space: If you have a desktop computer in a private space then you are set! Just make sure there is nothing around that can distract you. Aim to replicate a classroom setting. This means no television or toys lying around. If you are using a laptop, find a desk you can work on. Close the door to avoid outside noises coming through and distract the live session. Make sure you are sitting with good posture so you are comfortable throughout the session.
Minimise your applications: Now that you have nothing to distract you in your room, you also should clear out distraction in the virtual space. Put your phone away so that it is out of sight. Close all unrelated applications and websites in the background. There is nothing worse than watching your teacher or tutor explain how to solve a problem and get a message - that you can’t wait to reply - in the middle of it!
Hand write your notes: Since we are working on a computer, we are more inclined to type on a Word document rather than writing in our workbooks. Typing away at your computer may seem more professional, but studies have shown that you are more likely to remember your notes if you write them by hand than by typing them on your computer (Effectiviology, Handwriting vs Typing). You also want all your notes in one place. Therefore, if you have already started taking notes in your purple notebook for mathematics, you should continue that for organisational purposes and ease of access.